Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My Indian life

My name is Ema, I travel around the world photographing luxury hotels and resorts, I travel and I try to stop the time so I can steal moments. My eyes always look for the unforgettable and this trip shooting much smaller hotels my soul was the one that found it. I found new culture that I have known so little about. So fascinating, so new, made me feel like I have so much more to explore. To this you said: "The World is so small, you can make a full circle for 24 hours", it is that simple.

My teachers, Ken and Jana, Mr and Mrs B, you made my trip unforgettable. You opened my eyes for your culture and took me into your homes and hearths and showed me the everyday life of the Indian people.

How much we don't know about the world? Makes me feel so ignorant but I have tried on this trip to soak it all, to feel it all. The religion that has 33 000 000 Gods, the main one Ganes, and the Gods of the Fire, Water, Air and Earth. One of the most curios was the Richest God in the World - people wait for hours in front of his temple and they give so much money that they can't be counted they can be only weighed. This little cup is 500 years old, it is made of an unknown metal and is used for meditation. When you rub the wooden stick around it's edge the sound that comes from it makes you feel so calm, so relaxed, it makes it all disappear. While doing this we had a little heater burning a mix of 32 spices and rose petals. It was meant to clear our minds of all bad
thoughts. My friend Karl was the first to show me how to meditate and try to calm my spirit, this felt like the next level.

We ate home meade Indian food and then two women dressed me in the traditional sari and I truly felt part of it all, the culture, the atmosphere and part of people's lives.


At 7:56 PM, Blogger Dean Hannas said...

Is this the new VRX uniform that we all have to wear?

Work it girl. You always seem to meet interesting people on the road. Have fun.


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