Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Paris.............

There are no better words for how I feel now than the words in this amazing song!
Sous le Ciel de Paris - Yves Montand:

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I am off

photo by Filipe Wiens

So strange that I am off, I got so used to work 24 hour days that the concept of traveling again seems bizzare. But I will get on the plane tomorrow and I will probably just aim to get the best pictures I possibly can and to enjoy a bit. I have amazing feeling about this trip and I know a door will open and there will be a million wonderful things for my future. I know because it has been a while since the first one opened almost 6 years ago. All that is gypsy talk and it is not meant to be understood :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

time to see the clouds

My life in the passed 8 months revolves around work which I love but this summer I managed to still some moments for me and sped them with my friends :) Lucky enough there were some amazing clouds around also.


With 5-6 of my co workers we had the fun experience to shoot some of the cruise ships that stopped in Vancouver. We truly enjoyed the experience and seeing the city from a different perspective. Some crazy nights after the work was done :)

Put Your Breasts Forward

With 9 of my girlfriends we started a project to raise money for the Brest Awareness month and to make our donation to the Breast Cancer Foundation. So in the last 4 months we have been planning, organizing and taking our clothes off for a calendar which will come out in October.
It has been an amazing experience and truly an inspiration. Hopefully we will be able to make our little donation to finding a cure! Here is our blog:

the power suit

I have had some amazing and exciting times recently. Lots of trips and many business meetings, boardrooms and powers suits at all experience which I have enjoyed tremendously. If I have to be honest I am loving marketing and reading too much Harvard Business Review. I will be getting more and more into this kind of work which makes me sooo happy :)