Sunday, March 23, 2008

Fair well my teacher, your art will always live trough my eyes

How can I explain it, the pain of losing a mentor! How can I explain losing someone who had taught me how to see! My life has been always about photography. My passion and my heart have always been captured by the magic of stealing moments. I can see, I can see life in a different way, I can see life in frames.
Today the man who taught me how to feel with all my senses when the moment in my frame is perfect, the moment when my fingers can press the shutter of my camera, died.
I want this blog entry to be my Good Bye! So hard to say these words.

Thank you that you led me through that magic ride of learning that life is going to reveal itself to you only if you look with pure eyes!

Thank you for showing me how to draw with light! How to sense and capture it!

Thank you for giving me all of your wisdom without wanting anything back but for me to be better in photography!

Thank you for the wonderful times, for the strength, for making me fall in love with all of Cartier-Bresson's work, for the crazy hours in the dark room, for tearing my images and making me go and redo them.Thank you for teaching me all! I remember your last words when I finished University. In the hallway you told me: " You see it was all worth it".

I will photograph for you. I will keep the passion for photography alive. I will see because of you.

Good Bye! :)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Victoria, clouds and the beginning of the year

I can't believe that 3 months passed since the beginning of the year!!!! 3 of the craziest months in my life and some of the best ones in my life. I have worked like crazy almost no time for breaks or any time for myself to the point that I schedule the time for my friends and do you know what I am loving it! As most of you know I have now two jobs I am manager in the company I have worked for years, so I manage the photography department and my own business in developing really well also.
The year started on 2nd of January when Steve one of my good friends and a colleague flew on a tiny float plane from Vancouver to Victoria to photograph the Fairmont Empress Hotel. We had 6 great days in Victoria and lot and lost of clouds. So the year couldn't start better....... lots more coming soon :)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

my feet in the sand, me and my camera