Vegas Baby

Yes it has been a while since I wrote last but life is great and so busy that there is no time for anything but this is what 29 year old people are supposed to do, work, party and enjoy life.
I just came back from Vegas where I was for a short trip which I loved. There is something absolutely surreal about Vegas, the real thing are the crazy parties and amazing night clubs.

The second evening there with my two
colleagues we hit one of the most popular clubs in town called TAO. It is a
special place, I visited Tao in New York a year ago and was
fascinated by this incredible space with a huge
Buddha in the
middle all candle lit. We had great time there eating Asian Fusion food and enjoying the
atmosphere. This time in Vegas we managed to get in the VIP section and see the club also. Yes people there truly know how to party maybe not how to dress because most of them were
semi naked but what the hell it is Vegas.

This is
Tinu and Rob doing what everyone should do here walk on
Las Vegas boulevard with a drink in hand.

Walking around the Venetian I saw this picture and absolutely loved it.
Yes and this is me at the end jumping around in the funky hallway of the Flamingo hotel. It is all pink and white, very jazzy. Our rooms were as fun, they are galled Go Go rooms and have a very high tech style and even in the bathroom there is a TV inserted in the mirror, as if you will have time to watch TV in Vegas.

Back in Vancouver it is raining but the mountains look absolutely stunning, covered with snow. Very busy week ahead of me but I love it.
what a good movie can trigger

I could never relate to Africa, the problems, the conflicts the suffering. I remember the first time I opened the box with images from the famin in Somalia and Ethiopia while working in Magnum. I have heard about it I knew exactly where this box is but never wanted to look at the photographs just from human fear, the same fear that make us turn the newspaper or the magazine on our breakfast table to the next page when we see something that just doesn't fit with our perfect life.
I remember how much this images influenced me and still how they didn't manage to make me understand the whole suffering. In my selfish way coming from the nightmare of the communism in Bulgaria where one word against the regime could put you in a concentration camp, where the orphaned children are so many and living in such poor conditions, where everything inside was rotten but outside we had to show that there is no better place to live in. Coming from this perspective, the poverty and the suffering in my country I felt like I need to help there and that the world gives so much to so many of the African countries but ignores us the leftovers of the communist regime.
I saw a movie yesterday called "Blood Diamond". Most of you have probably seen it. I knew very well about the conflict in Sierra Leone but it felt as if for first time I could really feel how tragic, how unbelievably painful the issues there are. I wish one day I have the ability to help, to make a difference. The character of the main actress in this movie reminded me of what I wanted to be, all I wanted when I started to do photography is be like her, take photos and try to make a difference, try to make you pick up the newspaper see the image on the front page and not turn the page but relate to it, make you help. It is never too late isn't it?
Rome photos

Just going trough my images and found this ones of my mum and me in Rome. One of my best holidays ever. We did have a blast and this year it will probably be Venice!
what a night, again!!!

Yes this looked like me yesterday, ready to shout after quite the eventful evening, I am thinking that it all had something to with the full moon, lol. First event was finding a wallet that was definitely not mine in the cooperative car on a way to a party. Apparently in belong to an absent minded Anthropology professor from UBC.
Than after an amazing party, lots of East Asian food and great conversations with friends, I was told by nearly everyone not to drive due to the fact that I had couple of drinks. Well they always say that but having 2 drinks in 5 hours I thought it is fine.
12 o'clock at night my car battery died, 2 o'clock BCAA came to start the car, 2.30 I was stopped by police block after Lion's Gate Bridge. Now you will laugh, they were doing a alcohol check, so I got a flash light in my face and the policeman asked me have I had to drink on which I innocently said no and explained how my battery died. He didn't even continue with the check and said that this must have been such a long evening for me. So I got out of it again but next time will think twice before driving and drinking. Good bye bad Bulgarian habits!