Caribbean dreams and sexy cars
I am not back on the Caribbean but the Caribbean came back to me and I think I had way too much fun and decided to sell out everything and to open a hotel in Jamaica or St.Lucia. Anyone coming with me?
I just found out that the street I live on is special once a year – the Caribbean parade passes right in front of my house.
I loved it, music, bright colors, costumes and that incredible rhythm, atmosphere and desire just to go and dance, dance and dance. Of course I did exactly this, joined the Jamaican group (they were just the loudest) and went down to the key where the party continued.
The second part of the day was in Yaletown and the vintage car show. The cars were incredible, the party also (I find it fascinating that every person who lives in Yaletown owns a tiny little dog, if you can call them this, they more like resemble a cross between a mouse and a squirrel).
There were so many gorgeous cars and in between them I found my new love, this amazing Jag.
Felt like giving it a hug but thought that the owner will probably be quite stunned, later in the day by chance I happened to meet the owner while he was driving the car home and he said that he doesn’t mind at all for me to do whatever I wish. Of course my first thought was can I steal it? Well maybe later! As one of my friends says: “If I did all I wanted I will be in prison!”
VRX Studios on the track
Hot, hot, hot
What a fun day!!! Yes I know every day is fun but this one was a bit more special. Every year the company I work for ( a big bunch of crazy kids) has several fun events the most entertaining of which is the Go-Kart racing. We race on a closed trace with Go-Karts that go as fast as 60 km/h. I truly had a blast watching co-workers having fun and trying to kill each other. This type of activities are perfect for group therapy and hell in the art's world we all need it.
That said I am 23 from 40 people and I have only one bruise.
Than off to the beach to watch the international annual firework contest. Italy was first and made a fantastic show ( i will be in Italy in 10 days and can't wait). See the photo attached, i know that it looks like a big fire. There were tons of people on the streets, the traffic stopped and at all brought me good memories from the revolution in Bulgaria. what more can a girl want.
Vancouver is on fire
eh voila clouds
Everyone that knows me well knows that I am lost in the clouds metaphorically and physically. They know also that my eyes are usually looking at the clouds 90% of the time, while trying not to fall down, or be hit by any obstacles while I walk. That said I constantly seem to hit my toes and have broken so many of them they all point in different direction I name the clouds ( of course not with the real scientific names, example: Rock and Roll Clouds, English Clouds…. Does not sound scientific at all), photograph them, dream about them.
So as a consequence of all of this I am now member 3963 of the Cloud Appreciation Society, yes there are another 3962 crazy people like me. On our meetings we have to have the membership number written on our foreheads. Never been on a meeting but I can imagine it will be quite the event. Will post photos when I do, for now here you are our MANIFESTO:
WE BELIEVE that clouds are unjustly maligned and that life would be immeasurably poorer without them.
We think that they are Nature’s poetry, and the most egalitarian of her displays, since everyone can have a fantastic view of them.
We pledge to fight ‘blue-sky thinking’ wherever we find it. Life would be dull if we had to look up at cloudless monotony day after day.
We seek to remind people that clouds are expressions of the atmosphere’s moods, and can be read like those of a person’s countenance.
Clouds are so commonplace that their beauty is often overlooked. They are for dreamers and their contemplation benefits the soul. Indeed, all who consider the shapes they see in them will save on psychoanalysis bills.
And so we say to all who'll listen:
Look up, marvel at the ephemeral beauty, and live life with your head in the clouds!
I don't live with the polar bears
For everyone out there from my friends who think I live in an igloo and that there are polar bears and we fish for food in the frozen ocean I can say one thing – I am actually every day on the beach and yesterday after big persuasion I actually swam in the Pacific and enjoyed it well I can say too much. True if you stay more than 15 minutes without moving or without a good bottle of alcohol in your hand you will be absolutely frozen but people seem to enjoy it a lot and there isn’t a better way to watch the magic hour on dusk time. It has been glorious and moments like this are amazing.
Sun, Summer, BBQ, Friends
I am in Vancouver, it is glorious – sunny and hot. I think the motto in the last two weeks has been sunbathing. Well deserved rest after two work trips that took me to New York, Chicago, San Francisco and LA. I am heading to Europe in less than 12 days and counting the hours. London, Sofia, Rome on the agenda. Can't wait.
and here we go.....
funny all my friends started this blogmania if I can call it like this and I absolutely love reading all their adventures. i have tons of mine so lets give it a try.........